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24/7 Off-Site Surveillance Monitoring and Real-time Threat Detection

Plum AI specializes in AI-powered surveillance monitoring solutions, offering advanced technology at affordable prices. Based in South Africa, Plum AI provides tailored security solutions designed to meet your surveillance needs

AI Video Analytics Tools

Detection of suspicious or abnormal behavior by recognizing certain human postures.

Workplace safety enforcement by detecting people wearing no personal protective equipment.

Early detection of fire hotspots in areas where regular sensors are ineffective, e.g., in open spaces.

AI identifies and stores the make, model, speed, and color of vehicles in a traffic stream.

AI analytics extracts human appearance characteristics and stores them in the database.

An intelligent, resource-optimized algorithm reliably masks objects in the camera’s FOV while using minimal computing power. You can also use AI detection to hide only certain objects, such as people.

Automated Incident Reporting

When a threat is detected, our team springs into action, quickly assessing the situation and coordinating a swift and effective response to neutralise the danger.

Vigilant Surveillance

Centralised Monitoring

Intelligent Analytics

Comprehensive Reporting

Immediate Alerts

Targeted Monitoring

Accredited by

Based on years of real-world experience, our mission is to help businesses and government agencies create safer environments and improve operations by using video and physical security systems in the most efficient and intelligent ways. We don’t just say it — we do it.

We believe that intelligent technology can deliver great value to business and society through extracting actionable data from video and making decisions based on that data in combination with information from other sources. That is why we see the unification of standalone systems and seamlessly integrated AI video analytics as our key competitive advantages.

Rapid Response

When a threat is detected, our team springs into action, quickly assessing the situation and coordinating a swift and effective response to neutralize the danger.

Theft Offline Security Offsite monitoring Surveillance Artificial intelligence (AI) Real-time South Africa

Vigilant Monitoring

Our advanced AI CCTV system is constantly scanning for any suspicious
activity or potential threats, providing real-time alerts to our security team.


Seamless Integration

By seamlessly integrating our AI-powered CCTV with other security systems, we ensure a comprehensive and coordinated defence against any potential threats to your property.