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Industrial Surveillance

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Industrial Surveillance


At Plum, our AI-powered CCTV offsite monitoring service revolutionizes industrial security by offering advanced capabilities that traditional surveillance systems cannot match.

Object Detection

Our advanced AI algorithms can accurately detect and classify a wide range of objects, from people and vehicles to suspicious packages or other potential threats

Behaviour Analysis

The AI-powered video analytics can detect and analyse human behaviours, identifying patterns that may indicate suspicious or potentially threatening activities.

Facial Recognition

The system can identify individuals by their facial features, allowing you to monitor the movements of specific people of interest and quickly locate them within the footage.

Thermal Imaging

Thermal cameras integrated into the CCTV system can detect heat signatures, providing additional layers of security and the ability to monitor activity even in low-light conditions.

Automated Incident Reporting

When a threat is detected, our team springs into action, quickly assessing the situation and coordinating a swift and effective response to neutralise the danger.

Vigilant Surveillance

Centralised Monitoring

Intelligent Analytics

Comprehensive Reporting

Immediate Alerts

Targeted Monitoring

Behavior Analytics recognizes situations of risk early on by detecting specific human postures: for example, an individual lying down, a worker’s raised arms. Handrail holding detection helps in labor safety enforcement at production facilities, construction sites, working at height, etc.

When applied to the Object Tracker, the neural network accurately detects specific types of moving objects, e.g. humans or vehicles. This technology can filter out false alarms in busy scenes where multiple moving objects might interfere with the results. You can apply any conventional video analytics (loitering, line crossing, object appearance and disappear- ance, etc.) to the detected objects.

Intelligent fire and smoke video detection operates in areas where other types of sensors are ineffective, e.g. in open spaces. It provides early detection of fire hotspots, which leads to a significant reduction in asset damage.

Plum captures and recognizes human faces and vehicle number plates. You can quickly check a person’s photo or a vehicle number, full or partial, against the video footage. Multiple camera search is also possible.

Our AI algorithms are trained to detect anomalies and potential threats instantly by analyzing live video feeds with unparalleled accuracy. Whether it’s identifying unauthorized access attempts, detecting suspicious behaviors, or recognizing safety hazards like equipment malfunctions or spills, our AI ensures that threats are promptly identified and addressed, mitigating risks before they escalate.

Moreover, Plum’s AI-driven CCTV systems are designed to automate monitoring tasks that traditionally require intensive human oversight. This automation not only reduces operational costs but also ensures round-the-clock surveillance without fatigue or oversight. AI can monitor large areas and multiple cameras simultaneously, alerting our operators to any unusual activities or breaches of security protocols promptly

A significant advantage of Plum’s AI technology is its ability to learn and adapt over time. Through machine learning algorithms, our systems continuously improve their detection capabilities based on data feedback and new insights. This adaptive learning process enables us to stay ahead of evolving security threats and adapt our monitoring strategies to suit the specific needs of each industrial environment.

Furthermore, our offsite monitoring capability means that security personnel do not need to be physically present on-site to maintain vigilance. This remote monitoring setup not only enhances convenience but also allows for rapid response times in emergencies, as our operators can alert onsite personnel or emergency responders immediately upon detecting a threat.