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Retail Surveillance

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Retail Surveillance


Comprehensive monitoring and protection for your retail environment, ensuring the safety of your assets and personnel.

Object Detection

Our advanced AI algorithms can accurately detect and classify a wide range of objects, from people and assets to suspicious packages or other potential threats

Behaviour Analysis

The AI-powered video analytics can detect and analyse human behaviours, identifying patterns that may indicate suspicious or potentially threatening activities.

Facial Recognition

The system can identify individuals by their facial features, allowing you to monitor the movements of specific people of interest and quickly locate them within the footage.

Thermal Imaging

Thermal cameras integrated into the CCTV system can detect heat signatures, providing additional layers of security and the ability to monitor activity even in low-light conditions.

Plum receives data from cash registers and links it to video feeds. The receipt text is superimposed on the video or displayed in a separate pane. You can also use receipt data to quickly search for POS transaction videos in the recorded footage. This offers a full picture of what’s happening at the checkout and helps reveal violations that are almost impossible to detect using conventional video surveillance.


The tool detects the number of people in queueing areas. Knowing actual customer numbers empowers you to manage human resources in the short and long term.

This tool counts customers entering or exiting the store or a specific area. The information collected may be used, along with sales data, to estimate your sales conversion rate and/or for market research.

Configure an automatic scenario when a match is found. The positive watchlist may notify store personnel of regular customer arrivals, while the negative watchlist may indicate shoplifters.

A heat map is a graphic representation of visitor activity (visitor numbers/ time spent) in different store areas. The heat map can be generated from tracking data for all objects or objects specified with forensic search criteria.

The facial recognition tool guesstimates the age and gender of visitors. The saved data may be used for customer analysis, digital signage targeting, and other marketing purposes.

Automated Incident Reporting

When a threat is detected, our team springs into action, quickly assessing the situation and coordinating a swift and effective response to neutralise the danger.

Vigilant Surveillance

Centralised Monitoring

Intelligent Analytics

Comprehensive Reporting

Immediate Alerts

Targeted Monitoring

Secure Tomorrow, Today - with Plum AI

Our mobile app, available on Android and IOS, allows you to analyze and track live stream data 24/7.