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Transportation Surveillance

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Transportation Surveillance


Protect transportation hubs, terminals, and infrastructure with our comprehensive CCTV and security monitoring services.

Object Tracker

Our advanced AI algorithms can accurately detect and classify a wide range of objects, from people and vehicles to suspicious packages or other potential threats

Number Plate Recognition

Plum captures and recognizes human faces and vehicle number plates. You can quickly check a person’s photo or a vehicle number, full or partial, against the video footage.

Smart Forensic Search

To retrieve recorded footage of an event of interest, enter specific criteria: motion in area, crossing of a line, object color. Within seconds the system displays thumbnails of relevant video episodes.

Offline Analytics

Fully functional forensic search of imported videos. Import any video footage and analyze it with forensic search. Number plate search and face search can be applied to imported videos.

Powered with top technologies from Adaptive Recognition system recognizes and logs car license plates — even on moving vehicles — and compares them to a database of numbers. It also logs all vehicles that pass through a specified zone, records an image of the car and plate, and notes the date, registration time, and direction of each vehicle.


  • Max. vehicle speed – up to 250km/h
  • Accuracy – above 95%
  • Recognizes any license plates containing Arabic, Latin, Cyrillic Chinese, Korean characters
  • Integration with access control systems
  • Blacklist check
  • Speedgun integration

Traffic congestion is a constant challenge for both public services and commercial enterprises.

With Auto PSIM, there’s no need to spend large amounts of time, money and manpower to uncover and solve problems. Intelligent transport and traffic detectors give you the real-time data you need to keep your transportation network on course — and prevent problems before they start.


  • Traffic statistics collection and analysis
  • Traffic lanes per camera – up to 6
  • Automatic detection of road rule violation — speed limit violation, forbidden stop, forbidden overtake, opposite direction cars driving, wrong vehicle on the road, traffic jam
  • Preconfigured settings of vehicles types — motorcycles, passenger cars, trucks (length up to 12 m), buses.

AI identifies and stores the make, model, speed, and color of vehicles in a traffic stream. You can use all of these criteria to find vehicles in recorded video from multiple cameras. This is essential when the license plate number of a vehicle of interest is unknown.

ANPR, ACCR, rail car number recognition, vehicle access control, recording of traffic violations, and traffic statistics collection.

Automated Incident Reporting

When a threat is detected, our team springs into action, quickly assessing the situation and coordinating a swift and effective response to neutralise the danger.

Vigilant Surveillance

Centralised Monitoring

Intelligent Analytics

Comprehensive Reporting

Immediate Alerts

Targeted Monitoring