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Urban Surveillance

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Urban Surveillance


At Plum, our AI-powered CCTV offsite monitoring service is dedicated to enhancing Urban Surveillance and ensuring the safety and security of the public in urban environments.

Object Detection

Our advanced AI algorithms can accurately detect and classify a wide range of objects, from people and vehicles to suspicious packages or other potential threats

Behaviour Analysis

The AI-powered video analytics can detect and analyse human behaviours, identifying patterns that may indicate suspicious or potentially threatening activities.

Facial Recognition

The system can identify individuals by their facial features, allowing you to monitor the movements of specific people of interest and quickly locate them within the footage.

Thermal Imaging

Thermal cameras integrated into the CCTV system can detect heat signatures, providing additional layers of security and the ability to monitor activity even in low-light conditions.

Automated Incident Reporting

When a threat is detected, our team springs into action, quickly assessing the situation and coordinating a swift and effective response to neutralise the danger.

Vigilant Surveillance

Centralised Monitoring

Intelligent Analytics

Comprehensive Reporting

Immediate Alerts

Targeted Monitoring

One of the key contributions of Plum in Urban Surveillance is real-time incident detection and response. Our AI algorithms analyze live video feeds from CCTV cameras placed strategically throughout urban areas, automatically detecting anomalies such as suspicious behaviors, unauthorized access, or potential threats to public safety. This proactive monitoring allows us to alert law enforcement or emergency services promptly, enabling swift intervention and mitigation of risks before they escalat

By leveraging advanced video analytics, our systems can track crowd density, movement patterns, and identify unusual behaviors that may indicate potential incidents or emergencies, such as overcrowding or unauthorized gatherings. This capability is crucial for ensuring public safety during large events, protests, or in busy urban hubs where crowd dynamics can quickly change.

Plum provides predictive analytics capabilities that forecast potential safety risks based on historical data and current trends. By analyzing patterns of behavior and environmental factors, our AI can anticipate and mitigate risks such as traffic accidents, public disturbances, or natural disasters. This predictive capability empowers urban planners, law enforcement agencies, and emergency responders to implement preventive measures proactively, enhancing overall safety and resilience in urban environments.

Plum’s AI-powered CCTV offsite monitoring service integrates seamlessly with existing urban infrastructure, including traffic management systems, public transportation networks, and smart city initiatives. This integration allows us to provide holistic surveillance solutions that not only monitor public safety but also contribute to the efficient management of urban resources and infrastructure.